MindSet Podcast

Chakra Meditation 15 minutes long.

Subscriber Episode October 04, 2023 Tomlin

Subscriber-only episode

The concept of Chakras originated in  ancient India, they are talked about a lot in Yoga.

Some see it as a map of the human body energy system, it runs up the spinal cord. They are said to connect to our energetic system, we are all made of energy, that's why we like to connect.

Some of this work is about using imagination by focusing into the areas as I speak, follow my voice as you sit comfortably, either cross legged or upright on a chair, do not rest on the chair back if you can help it.
 I hope you enjoy this meditation.

(Remember if you get easily triggered or have experienced a lot of trauma please listen to what feels right for you, open your eyes if you feel uncomfortable, notice your extremities, your hands and feet move them and feel grounded again)

Find me on www.tomlintherapy.com